`MthNetworkGrid` and `MthBiodataGrid` are Vue 3 component that display data in a grid with 2 modes to either fetch data from an API or provide it yourself.
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| `MappingColumns` | `{ [key: string]: { onColumn?: string; listIds: string[]; stats?: { id: string, pval: number, bonferroni_pval: number, bh_pval: number }[] } };` |
| Name | Description | Type | Default |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| `mode` | remote : the data is fetched from the API with `backendPath`. local : the user provides the data with `data`. | `"local"\|"remote"` | - |
| `backendPath?` | path to the api if mode is remote | `string` | - |
| `data?` | the data to display if mode is local | `MthGridItem[]` | - |
| `filterBy` | By which properties the data must be filtered | `null \| "PRIVATE" \| "PUBLIC" \| "TOP"` | - |
| `selectStrategy?` | the select type : single or multiple | `"all" \| "page" \| "single"` | `"single"` |
| Name | Description | Type of `$event` |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `selection` | triggered when a row is selected or unselected | `MthGridItem[]` |
| `error` | triggered when there is an error with the API | `{ title: string, message: string }` |
| Name | Description | Data |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `gridActions` | buttons for each row to display in the `Actions` column | `{ itemAction: MthGridItem }` |
### Use example
This web component requires [Vuetify](
<template #gridActions="{ itemAction }">
<v-btn @click="console.log(itemAction)">Info</v-btn>
import { MthNetworkGrid } from "@metabohub/mth-metexplore-biodata-grid";
<style scoped>
@import "@metabohub/mth-metexplore-biodata-grid/dist/style.css";
| Name | Description | Type | Default |
| --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | ----------- |
| `mode` | remote : the data is fetched from the API with `backendPath`. local : the user provides the data with `data`. | `"local"\|"remote"` | - |
| `backendPath?` | path to the api if mode is remote | `string` | - |
| `network?` | Id of the network if mode is remote | `number` | - |
| `data?` | the data to display if mode is local | `MthGridItem[]` | - |
| `biodata` | Type of biodata to display | `Biodata` | - |
| `filterOnIds?` | List of the ids to display, or null to display all the data | `Array<string>\|null` | `null` |
| `mapping?` | the mappings with their list of mapped ids | `MappingColumns` | `undefined` |
| `numberMappingPreSelected?` | the maximum number of mappings that will show in the table | `number` | 3 |
| `selectStrategy?` | the type of select for the rows : single or multiple | `SelectStrategy` | `"all"` |
| Name | Description | Type of `$event` |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `selection` | triggered when a row is selected or unselected | `MthGridItem[]` |
| `error` | triggered when there is an error with the API | `{ title: string, message: string }` |
## Slots
| Name | Description | Data |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `gridActions` | buttons for each row to display in the `Actions` column | `{ itemAction: MthGridItem }` |
## Use example
This web component requires [Vuetify](
<template #gridActions="{ itemAction }">
<v-btn @click="info(itemAction)">Info</v-btn>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { MthMetaboliteGrid, Biodata } from "@metabohub/mth-metexplore-biodata-grid";
<style scoped>
@import "@metabohub/mth-metexplore-biodata-grid/dist/style.css";
## Project Setup
npm install
### Compile and Hot-Reload for Development
npm run dev
npm run build
### Run Unit Tests with [Vitest](
npm run test:unit
npm run coverage
### Lint with [ESLint](
npm run lint
## CICD pipeline
### Tests
image: node:latest
stage: test
- npm install
- npm run test:unit
This runs the unit tests defined in `src/components/__tests__/`
### Deploy
stage: deploy
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y git default-jre
- npm install
- npm run build