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umr-tetis / STAC / extensions / Pydantic Pystac Extensions
Apache License 2.0Build custom pystac extensions easily with pydantic
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airGRiwrm / airGRccia
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A package build on top of airGRiwrm containing helper functions for pre-processing data and vignettes with a complete example of an integrated hydrological model setup from scratch and publicly available data.
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L’objectif de l’atelier est d’intégrer et d’analyser des données omiques hétérogènes via des approches statistiques notamment disponibles dans les packages R (MixOmics, iClusterPlus, MOFA2).
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Dynafor / Apps / HedgeTools
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ImHorPhen / gaussratiovegind
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
umr-tetis / STAC / extensions / Generic Metadata
Apache License 2.0Create STAC extensions for generic metadata with pydantic models
Archived 0Updated -
Formations Statistique / StatsWithR
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0SHiNeMaS is a database with its web interface, dedicated to the management of the history of seed lots and related data like phenotyping, environment and cultural practices. SHiNeMaS is freely available under GNU Affero GPL Licence
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Bertrand Ygorra / PALSAR2_GEE_DL
MIT No AttributionUpdated -
Schemas of our STAC extensions implementations
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Model to simulate the spread of Map within and between herds via trade movements between dairy herds. Some control measures can be applied. Model is mechanistic and data-driven, stochastic, discrete-time and individual-based.
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Nextflow pipeline to extract syntenic blocks using the MCScanX program.
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migale / affiliationExplorer
MIT LicenseShiny app for exploration and disambiguation of FROGS multi-affiliation